Language and Language Development Introduction

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Course Description

This course presents a research-based conceptual understanding of language systems, structures, forms, functions, and variations of both aural and written language forms. Topics include applying language functions and variations, discourse, and pragmatics directly to assessment and instruction of English learners; specific linguistic and socio-linguistic challenges of English learners; and materials and methods for understanding and analyzing socio-cultural and political factors that affect second-language development.


This was the first course where I began to understand how significantly limited language proficiency impedes comprehension.  The final project was the most eye-opening for me because I chose to interview an immigrant.  I interviewed a teacher at my school who had immigrated from El Salvador.  As mentioned, I had very limited experience with working with ELL students, so hearing his story was incredibly valuable for me.  We discussed his personal experience of learning English and his views on the American education system for non-English speaking students.  I’ve included this assignment at the forefront on this ePortfolio section.  Another insightful assignment included in this section is the motivation and anxiety opinion paper.  The assignments that follow include reflections on theories of language development, historical perspectives of bilingual education, and article reflections and discussions.    

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