The modern world is changing and technologies are actively entering everyday life as a source of help to people and games, as a variation of socialization and leisure. A business that wants to succeed must adapt, or immediately, be aimed at gamers and those interested in the development of the gaming industry.
In this article, we will analyze a successful case of a business project at the Skycoach.gg service, which has become one of the best service providers for modern gamers in the MMO RPG format.
Who is Skycoach.gg
Skycoach is a full-fledged service that interacts with gamers all over the world and offers them services that significantly simplify the gaming experience in exchange for real money. For this, there are hundreds of employees on staff who mine game gold, boost up and train players.
All communication occurs through the game site or mobile application, each client has their own individual personal account.
How does the interaction process and search for clients work
There are quite a lot of people playing online games and the task of Skycoach.gg is to find those who are interested in spending money to get a gaming advantage, or to learn how to play on their character, or at least think about it.
For communication and convenience in the distribution of games by genres and titles, a website and a mobile application are used so that each player can find the best way to communicate.
SEO promotion and contextual advertising are used to attract customers, as well as advertising from players who have already used the services.
The client must select a service on the website or through a mobile application, pay for it and wait for a response from the game manager, a special employee who will control the entire process.

Personnel who performs Skycoach.gg services
For the successful and correct operation of the company, you will need managers and experienced players who not only know the general basics of gaming, but can also teach them to others.
The manager controls the entire process and helps the client correctly navigate the functionality of the Skycoach.gg.
How does the coaching process work
First, the client must choose their favorite game, often World of Warcraft, or similar fundamental projects that are very well-known and valuable for the gaming community.
Next, you need to accept payment for the order, for this you must have acquiring connected, taking into account all the legislation of the country in which your business is registered.
Then the manager accepts the order and communicates between the client and the coach, monitoring the process and quality of the entire training stage.
When the task is completed, the client is asked to leave a review to fill the site with good recommendations for future orders.
How to find a good coach and what features and equipment they should have
A coach is a mentor throughout the entire gaming process, so the client should be comfortable working with him. This should be an experienced, sociable player who knows how to find an approach to any person and use voice communication for this.
Usually, former professional players who have spent a lot of time on the project and can not only tell about the key features of the character, but also give practical advice on how to use it become coaches. Simply put, teach important aspects of the game that are not included in even a detailed guide from the developers, and then such a service will be popular, which is what happens with the Skycoach.
Your financial prospects
The process of interacting with players is a business that requires investment, like any business, so that people learn about your services and want to buy them. As for the payback, coaching is quite a profitable business and here's why:
The client pays for the service hourly, so you can count on either long sessions or take many clients and tie them to one coach.
You will be able to find and test many professional players on most projects and form a reliable team.
You will be able to provide yourself with additional clients through advertising on the project itself, because coaching is not prohibited by the game rules, just do not mention paying for real money, it is better to clarify this later, but most players already understand how it works, so there will be no problems.
Depending on the popularity of the game and the server, you can count on 15 euros per hour or more, but you always need to expand your team to attract clients not only with quality, but also with the number of employees, so that players do not have to wait for their service.

The gaming industry attracts millions of people from all over the world and if you love and understand the potential of such projects for earning money, then you can organize your business on this, focusing on the successful case of Skycoach.
First, you need to form your staff and cover as many games as possible, inviting professional players who are able to teach others. These should be experienced, calm people, ready to spend hours repeating the same material while the client learns how to play a character, PVP and other important aspects.
You need to organize stable operation of the site and set up payment acceptance so that customers can immediately pay for the order, and then start training through the manager.
Invest in SEO promotion and advertising on the project itself, but do not mention real money, this is prohibited in the game itself, but gamers understand all the difficulties and are still ready to pay for training and the acquisition of game values, so you can and should do business on this.
Take advantage of Skycoach's experience and contribute to the development of services in the gaming industry.