Foundations and Methods of English Lanaguage Development and Content Instruction Introduction

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Course Description

This course explores current research-based theories of second language acquisition and the differences between first and second language and literacy development. Topics include cognitive, linguistic, and socio-cultural factors that affect language learning in children of diverse backgrounds; use of the California English Language Development standards and the English Language Development Test (CELDT) in instructional planning that promotes language development and academic achievement; and research-based approaches and methods for English-language development in listening, speaking, reading, and writing as they relate to communicative competence. Learn to deliver comprehensible instruction to English learners with three instructional models: English Language Development (ELD), Content-based ELD, and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE).


This was one of my favorite courses because it challenged me to put together lesson plans that include teaching competencies I learned throughout the program.  I am most proud of the final project (two SIOP lesson plans) that was culturally inclusive and includes technology, comprehensible teaching strategies, reading and writing strategies, and effective assessment tools.  These lessons helped me think of innovative ways to structure my classroom environment to ensure all students are learning content effectively.  I included a lot of the assignments from this course in my ePortfolio because they demonstrate the numerous revisions I did on these lesson plans to achieve such a great final product.  I also included many “Let’s Think” activities because this course modeled interesting ways for students to demonstrate understanding such as creating infographics and photobomb essays.   

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