The Ultimate Guide to Buying Animal Crossing Villagers

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Animal Crossing has taken the gaming world by storm. It's a game that allows you to create your own virtual world, where you can do everything from fishing and catching bugs to designing your own house and island. One of the most exciting features of Animal Crossing is the ability to invite villagers to come live on your island. These villagers will bring life and personality to your island, making it a more enjoyable place to play. But how do you go about buy animal crossing villagers? In this guide, we'll take you through everything you need to know.

ACNH | How To Get Villagers You Want | Animal Crossing - GameWith

The first thing you need to know is that there are two ways to get new villagers in Animal Crossing: Random Campsite Visitors and Adopting Villagers from other players. The easiest way is by inviting campsite visitors who appear randomly on your island. You can talk with them and convince them to stay on your island as a resident, but there is no guarantee that they will be one of the animals that you want.

If you're looking for a specific villager, then adopting from other players might be the best option for you. There are many online communities where players buy, sell or trade their villagers with each other. You can choose which villager you want and negotiate with another player for its adoption.

However, when it comes to buying Animal Crossing villagers online, there are some precautions that need to be taken. You should only purchase villagers from reputable sellers who have good feedback from previous buyers. Always read reviews of the seller's work before proceeding with any transaction.

Another important factor is pricing. The price of an animal crossing villager can vary greatly depending on its rarity, popularity level among fans, and demand at any given moment in time. Some popular villagers like Raymond or Sherb may cost up to 100 Nook Miles Tickets (NMT) or even more. In contrast, less popular villagers like Goose or Rocco may be sold for as little as 20 NMTs.

When you finally decide on a villager that you want to buy, make sure to discuss all the details of the transaction with the seller. This includes payment methods, delivery times and any other special requirements. Most sellers prefer payment in Nook Miles Tickets since bells are very easy to hack, and it's a more secure way of doing transactions.


In summary, buying Animal Crossing villagers is an exciting experience that can bring new life and personality to your island. Whether you prefer to invite random campsite visitors or adopt specific villagers from other players, there are many options available online. Just remember to take precautions when purchasing online and always use reputable sellers who have good ratings. With these tips in mind, you'll be able to find the perfect villager for your island and create a truly unique home in Animal Crossing!

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